If you want to actualy play the "FULL" potential of your DS this game will make that happen.
Tryed it out on my dad and he was to slow so.. not for adults.. lol funny story.
A fast paced fun and funny game with tons of difrent ways to use the DS touch screen just like the WII version with so many ways to use the WII-mote.
But back to this game.. It\'s very short but its memorable games/toys, and first player are really goooood. And you can play the mini games over and over.
The DS and Wario-Ware are a perfect match.
Totaly fun.
And the little cartoons in between are very funny and enjoyable.
8 out of 10
You won't regret playing this game. It really is fun and it lasts pretty long. i sold it a while back because i beat everything. but doesn't that prove how addicting it was that i beat the whole thing? ide say deffinetly buy it. sense now-a-days its alot cheaper anyway.