Warioware Tocuched! is a great game to devote yourself to in small bursts.
There are plenty of old-school themed microgames, too, which was the selling point for me. The other games are similar and as drug-induced as things of this nature can possibly be. Still, the unique presentation that can only come from Warioware serves this game well.
Yes, it is true that everything is drag and drop, rub, poke, draw, blow, or whatever else, but actually, when you play the hardcore mix the real variety really shows through quite often. Thank God there aren't too many blowing games.
The graphics are fun, and simple. I can't imagine much better graphics working well for a game like this. The sound is great. Plenty of unique songs, a few with actual vocals (admittedly annoying vocals quite often), and the replay value is pretty above-average. While the unlocks aren't as compelling as you might hope they would be, if you're a real gamer you'll of course obsess until you get them all, and that alone will take some time. Then there's the matter of setting high scores.
Album mode really takes the replay value to the next level, as well. Playing a microgame as many times in succession as possible, but the kink is, of course, it gets faster each time. Tons of fun with certain microgames, as the speed gets higher and the music gets faster, you feel a powerful level of intensity. I prefer this game to Twisted! quite honestly. I can understand the complaints brought against this game, but I think people need to give it a second look. If you get a chance and find it lying around somewhere, pick it up and try it out. I recommend it for sure.