WarioWare:Touched has a set of more addictive minigames.

User Rating: 8 | WarioWare: Touched! DS
WarioWare:Touched has more minigames. Now you have to use the stylus and the microphone to get past these.

The Good:
There are tons of minigames the put the power of the DS touch screen to the max. It is highly addictive and will leave you wanting more and more. The game also is highly comedic and has very funny cutscenes. The toys you earn arwe fun to play with and the presentaion of the game is very deatailed and is another great addition to the WarioWare collection.

The Bad:
There is no actual which bugs me, but may not effect you. The game does not use the top screen often.

The minigames put the Touch Screen and microphone to the test, the presentation is detailed, and the gameplay is very addictive. Once you play it you don't want to put it down. This is my review for WarioWare:Touched! See ya later gamers!