Little spiritual successor to Masters of Magic, with a few drawbacks.
The Good:
Fairly simple to play, and very fun for those of us wishing to be Army wielding super sorcerers. Three races and a variety of perks for building your own Mage. Impressive array of secondary races available for recruiting once you have them in your territory.
The Bad:
Maps are frightfully small, even the 'huge' maps fit about 3-5 large islands and a full array of wizards will ensure you're pressing against another Mage's borders almost from turn 1. The additional worlds available are even smaller, and can typically be explored completely within 5-10 turns. The limited array of units within any basic race's army will leave some wishing for a few more options... you get basic infantry, archers, priests, siege units, ships, and 1 race specific unit type. There are two versions of each unit type with the second being a simple upgrade of the first. The secondary races you can acquire in game are usually to add flavor, and very little substance (Kuotl being a MAJOR exception, they're almost a full race unto themselves) Spells available for research feel somewhat constrained and limited as well.
It is a fun game, but it's not meant for a long drawn out type of play. It's designed for 'quick' strategic warfare, and it does this quite well, in all honesty. A number of the limits in the Bad category could be attributed to a lack of time or funding, and a number of those secondary races have the potential to become full races if the developer continues work on the IP (something I'm greatly interested in).
In short, it's entertaining but does not come close to the full potential of what it could be. A truly epic successor to the old Masters of Magic some of us played so very long ago.