I like this game. Normally I´am not that much into RTS Games but i like the Warlords Series, especially part 1 and part 2 of the Turn Based Part of the Warlords Franchise. I decided to try out this game and must say its better than i expected it. You have a lot of races and classes to choose from which changes gameplay tremendously. Basically there are two main classes, fighters and wizards which break into smaller subclasses like paladin, cleric, lich and the like. I dont want to rephrase what already has been said in the gamespot review so here are my positiv and negativ points about the game. + Replay Value, playing a fighter, a wizard and subclasses, also different races which have different units so its almost a new game experience + Your hero advances and takes his advancements with him in the upcoming levels + All your troops advance as well, you can take up to 9 troops (depending on your merchant skill) in your retinue which means they keep their levels like your hero for the upcoming levels. + you find items for your hero, you can find setitems which give additional boni + you can choose to play all races you are allied with in the ongoing campaign, so if your initial race turns out to be boring after a while you can switch and play a different race without having to start over - a lot of battles, this might actually be a + for some but i think there are to many of them, i´d prefer lesser but intense battles - you can win every map by simply having a high level flying unit fly to the enemy at the beginning of the game and wipe them out relativly easy. So, if you can live with the - part the game is for you.
I have been a huge fan of WB series ever since the first one. In my opinion, the only series to really successfully implement the Hero notion in an RTS, aside from the newer Spellforce games. But these heroes you level... Read Full Review
My friend got me hooked on this series with Warlords Battlecry 1, and I have to admit that I was kind leary about this game when he introduced it to me. I didn't think it would be that great of a game, since I had never ... Read Full Review