Warlords Battlecry III = The living embodiment of "If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It." A series that has ALWAYS emphaized intense, strategic gameplay over flashy graphics, WB3 takes the brilliant execution of WB2, which was in nearly every way a better game than WarCraft III, and adds some greatly appreciated, if not particularly needed, spit and polish. Unlike most RTS games these days that seek to challange your graphics processer much more then your strategic acumen, WB3 puts you in the shoes of the Warlord of your choice commanding legions of your chosen army across a wonderful selection of maps and scenarios. Rather than trying to get us into the game through some contrived and non-sensical "story," WB3 takes a cue from the Total War series and from Rise of Nations by incorporating a Risk-like global turn-based strategy map. This gets to the heart of what any strategy gamer really wants to do, which is to conquer the world through guile and sheer force of arms.
I have been a huge fan of WB series ever since the first one. In my opinion, the only series to really successfully implement the Hero notion in an RTS, aside from the newer Spellforce games. But these heroes you level... Read Full Review
My friend got me hooked on this series with Warlords Battlecry 1, and I have to admit that I was kind leary about this game when he introduced it to me. I didn't think it would be that great of a game, since I had never ... Read Full Review