Best Atari Multiplayer game. It owns all else (except for the great ones).
Gameplay: This is the cutting edge, for the Atari. You are a castle. There are 4 castles. You send a little ball around a screen. You use the paddle to block the ball. Kind of like pong, with 4 paddles. The castle's walls get injured if hit. If the ball reaches inside your castle, you lose. It's really fun if you have a few Atari fans that are your friends also playing. I spent 3 hours in a single sitting as an average. Once I spent 7 hours alone. It’s a very relaxed pace. You can talk, drink some Coca-Cola, and still play and win.
Graphics: What do you except from Atari 2600? They are the cutting edge, though. All the castles have a color with different shades.
Sound: Beep, Beep Bop. Atari noises are here. Great for people that love Pong’s beautiful sounds (like me). Otherwise, you may want to play some music or just converse with your friends.
Value: If you have friends, an Atari, and 2 paddle plug-in things, it’s awesome. I could waste more time if I’d pull it out and set it up. In time, I may play it again.