It's addicting and beautifully designed, which means: It's very well done for a cheaply priced game!
Warpath is mostly designed for online play and the excellently well constructed campaign, is mostly just filled with levels that you would play on multiplayer, such as Capture the Flag and Deathmatch. What makes up for this half-issue, is that the maps and graphics with battle vehicles every once in a while, keep the fun and playability going. Not only do they appear real, but they also present other things going on the the background, such as flying ships, explosions and giant robots attacking eachother.
What I also found was great in Warpath, was the weapons. Though there were only six, they looked cool and held great. The most impressive ones in my opinion were the Human's Wolverine smg and the Ohm's shotgun.
The combination of those two weapons can get you through the game easily, but you must win selected battles in order to claim new weapons for your species.
The music was pretty good as well, but the sound effects were better. I really though the sounds of the guns were great along with the sounds of explosions.
There are some interesting cutscenes too, none so spectacular, but added something else good to the finished product. The three different storylines have different cutscenes and different outcomes. You must repel attacks from enemy armies then attack them when you hold them off. These different story lines provide a longer game.
The last level is quite challenging. The robotic race, the Ohm, designed a super-computer that would help them give tactical decisions, but turned on them and wiped them out . The machine created and sent off these robot giants to defend it and you have to destroy a certain few to claim the planet as your own. It would of neen nice to have had a vehicle laying about on this level, but such a thing wasn't meaned to be. You have to take it out yourself, recommended you use the wolverine and the violater.
In the end, Warpath is an impressive game that stands on its own from the others on the market. It should've gotten more recognition than it did, but since it was from a budget company, it wasn't taken to high notice. I'm definatley recommending it to any shooter lover and the online players need more people to play against, so plaease buy this game. In total, Warpath is a gem that few have yet to experience.