Had potential, but could not reach it..
The vehicles show no real use, as its hard to navigate through the levels with them, and you can practically walk faster than them. The game play isn;t really diverse, like halo is. All it is, is "go out and shoot something. The game requires little strategy when playing multiplayer, but that doesn;t matter because you can't find anyone to play against online, anbd when playing single player it requires no real strategy.
The bots were a little fun at first, but got real old realy quick... the A.I. is weak, so the bots are stupid. As for the graphics, they aren't too bad to for the original xbox, nothing to go crazy over, but they are smooth and crisp with no real glitches. For those of you calling this game a halo rip off.. i thought so also when i looked at the screen shots, but after you play the game its deffinately not.. its kinda like Unreal Championship, but a little slower game pace, but it's still very quick.
There is no split screen.. which doesn;t make any sense as of why the game developers didn;t include that, but whatever i don't think that the game would have done much better with that installed. Also something to note is that this game is NOT compatable with the Xbox 360. Overall the game has a cheap asking price, but i guess that makes it a cheap game too..