Unique but has it's flaws
Requirements: I must say the developers did a perfect job at making this game running good on a major scale of different systems, the game runs really nice on my comp and i dont even meet the video requirements and I am just at minimum when it comes to ram and processing speed.
Graphics: Very nice is all i can really say.
Sound: Perfect, one thing i look or in any shooter is very intense sound. The guns make very loud booms and noises as-well as everything else makes it sound like a battlefield on a large scale. The Music is exceptional.
Controls: Nothing much i can say except that they are customizable and very easy to learn.
Story: All the story is about three species are fighting for survival and you must choose a side and eradicate the other two.
Gameplay: This can be fun for some or boring to others depending on how you look at it. There are two modes Single player and multiplayer, in single player you choose a side and play through the story and im multiplayer you choose if you want to practice with bots or play online. The game modes are what you would expect from Digital Extremes - Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the flag, and Asssault. Okay now the actual gameplay, when you start a round you go to a screen in which you can choose 2 weapons to play with which are upgradeable during the game. While you play Single player you can collect these gadgets called C.A.M's which upgrade your arsenal for better accuracy and damage. In Multiplayer you kill the other bots or players to collect C.A.M's. One really bad point for the game is the fact that you cant customize your game settings or character in any multiplayer mode. Thats the reason many dont like it due to the lack of control they have over the game options. Also you get to ride and control vehicals so you get to blast people with diffrent projectiles.
Overall- If your a hardcore multi-player Shooter Junkie you'll want it but if your a casual player try the demo and see if it fancies your taste.