Diablo2like repetitive grind rpg.
The thing i like least about this is that it so repetitive. To get XP you basically have a selection of maps, of which you select one and play it. When you finish it, you get XP (funny thing here is, that when you get disconnected during the mission, you don't get anything). Now there are only a few maps you can run at certain level that give sufficient amount of XP and to effectively exp, you have to run the same mission over and over again. Not only that, but there are the same monsters in a lot of the missions. There are also variation of the same monster, with different level, that only has different size and color. Running a mission once or twice a time is fine, but then i have to exit the game, cause more missions just bore me. Even god damned music repeats - there's ONE kind of music for menu, ONE kind for mission and that's it. Eventually i got tired of listening to the same crappy melody ALL the time.
Another thing is, that if you want to play with a party, it takes extremely long to find a game that's for your lvl, more players will eventually join it, host will actually start and not just leave, etc. I rather played solo, because i didn't have the nerve to wait for a game to start. Maybe it would be possible to play with some friends, but even so, it would get boring.
How I played:
Because i like playing healers, i started as pango shaman only to find out that i get first heal on lvl 16. When i got there and finally took the healing spell, which by the way was on 20s cooldown, i realized that the class was totally boring and crappy, because all of my spell i had so far sucked, and only thing i could do is throw a heal once every 20s. I would imagine a little more action then that. So i picked necromancer, who was a lot better, i leveled up a bit and i got all monsters around me disabled 27 out of each 30 seconds so i could solo any map. Even so, i eventually got tired of repeating the same map that gives the most XP over and over again.
Bottom line: if you want to play that kind of grind RPG, buy diablo 2 (its like maybe 20$) or wait for diablo 3.