If you like this sort of thing, you will like this one a little more than you thought you would.
First, unlike the Dynasty games, the story here unfolds in an interesting way, you play through missions as different characters as the war unfolds before you. The characters don't level, but you earn Kleos (basically currency) for completing missions and completing sub-goals within them. You spend this on upgrades that can be applied to whichever character you are playing. At first I was unsure of this, but after an hour or two the idea grew on me, it is an interesting approach. I also like how different each of the characters are from each other, they play differently. And, as a surprise, this button masher does require you to apply some strategy as you battle different types of enemies, and use different combo's and different approaches to them. Also, while many of the enemy soldiers are just basic cannon fodder, there are somewhere between 6 to 10 different models, so they don't all look like you are fighting clones, although there are not enough different models to say that anything to unique is going on.
The production value is very good, and the cut-scenes that tell the story are of a very high quality. I think the voice acting is serviceable, but honestly not really very good overall.
However, going back to my original point, this game is fun to play. The maps are terrific, the objectives very clear and they make sense and also advance the story in a meaningful way. The rewards system is intriguing and keeps you coming back. There are other mini-game options outside of the main story, and as you complete levels you can revisit them.
Honestly, this game exceeded my expectations (which were admittedly pretty low). If you like the Dynasty games this is a fresh take with some rudimentary innovations. Finally, part of what makes it fresh is to get into some western mythos and out of the three-kingdoms! Thankfully I did not have to put down the yellow turban rebellion for the one-millionth time here!
Worth getting if you like either the movie Troy, Greek mythos, or haven't played a Dynasty game in a little while and want to see where they are going.