I dont know why everyone says its so bad. This was a great freaking game.

User Rating: 9.4 | Warriors of Might and Magic PS2
This game is simply put great. I loved it. I cant believe people would give it such a low score. A great story, great gameplay. The graphics werent the best but if you actually played the game and gave it a chance you would learn to see through it. This game wasnt groundbreaking or revolutionary but i still really enjoyed it and i think you would too if you stop judging things of such little importance such as the fact that the graphics didnt blow you away.

The gameplay in this game is as solid as you could ask, with a simple yet effective combat system that once you become talented at you will find is much better than all the reviews say it is.

The story in this game is really quite interesting. Its not the most original idea, but it sure is different. There are several parts of this game that are very creepy to play, when you find yourself doing things like reading notes left from dead adventurers and other such parts.

I dont care what other reviews say:

Warriors will always be one of my favorites and i recommend you give it a try.