not so bad

User Rating: 6.5 | Lost Regnum: Makutsu no Koutei PSP
man this game is not so bad , it is classic RPG , just like and old D & D game from the nes.i give it at least a six. it has great gameplay , leveling up , trading with the fat-man in town , earning materials to work wit on weapon upgrades, ur cheap boss who rarely gives u any supplies, top of that there are 4 characters to chose from, four weapon styles,smy many stats in will spin ur head 'roun. it also has great art and replay value,then more replayed value.for a hand held console it is the bomb for all old school rgp players.this game should get way more than a 3 out of 10. so go out get a copy and play it for yourself...or play the whole thing through.. wink ... wink . oh i forgot to mention the boss fights , they are a bit boring and repetive. the stages are prettymuch the same thing over n over . but the game is still great for it genre . K, now go get a copy ... although its no monster hunter