There is such a mixture of good and bad in this game, but it is mostly good.

User Rating: 8 | Lost Regnum: Makutsu no Koutei PSP
This is a fun hack n' slash dungeon crawler. The problem is that it is a dungeon crawler. Every environment is pretty much the same! I think they could have added much more variety, but oh well...The fighting is very fluid and entertaining. At some points, you are surrounded by multiple enemies and its just a blast trying to get them all while dodging the occasional spike walls, spike floors, or swinging-from-the-ceiling spike balls. The main town-like area is very small, with only 3 people you can talk to (at least only 3 for me currently, there may be more later). The trading system is kind of weird and i'm personally not a fan of it. Everything else in the town is just fine i guess. The camera could use some getting used to, but thats to be expected from a PSP game (note to Sony: add a second analog nub!).

Good: Fun gameplay, great character animations, overall good game.

Bad: Repetetive enviroments and enemies, bad camera, weird trading system (to get items from the guy in the town EX. weapons and items- to get them from him, you must have what he wants, not gold or any kind of money)

If you are an RPG fan, buy this game. Its only $30 new, and you'll probably enjoy it for awhile.