Strange game. Aspects of this game are great but other lame parts of the game get in the way. God of War's ugly sister.
User Rating: 6.5 | Lost Regnum: Makutsu no Koutei PSP
The fighting mechanics are pretty simple and it's an OK combat system. The storyline is uninteresting even though it seems like they tried. Voice acting would have gone a long way. All the areas you fight in look fairly similar, and it's easy to feel detached from your character because you never learn much about them. The item system and the combat moves themselves are highpoints; they're pretty cool. But alot of repetitive battles and a very lackluster town area ruin the experience.
When you get right down to it Untold Legends isn't much better, but it is better, so go play that if you want hack'in slash action on the psp, or wait for God of War.