Warriors Orochi 3!!
User Rating: 8.5 | Musou Orochi 2 X360
Warriors Orochi 3 was made for any fan of samurai warriors/dynasty warriors gameplay is fast fun and everything you want in a koei game. hours of replay val here over 120 characters to unlock some new some old some from DOA such as Ayane and Ryu and other koei games story this time a beast of a dragon called a hydra dragon has took our world and turned it into a wast land. but thanks to a cute shrine priestes name kaguya you are saved from the hydra for now. she tells you that she can take you back in time before this beast did this but you must find warriors friend or foe alike who will take up arms with you and kill this dragon saveing the world. unlike most games you fight demons and ppl that are under there evil spell. game play is everything good from dw7 but better mix with a lil bit of dwsf with a town that grows as you beat chapters a wep upgrade system lots to unlock outfits weps ect a shop and you get to play as 3 ppl at one time sound good? yes well it is. there is online co/op but its a lil funny you need to beat chapters to go online after you beat sum you can re play them with a buddy but you both need to have the levels beat to play with one other anyway verdict 8.5 the good fun fast gameplay. lots to do. lots of replay val. big maps. great graphics. the bad online play should be done a lil better or just left out as its hard if not impossible to team up with anyone as you and them need to have the same levels beat just to team up