Put your brains to the closet and start playing Musō Orochi!
When I started playing this, I had never played any of the dynasty warrior or the samurai warrior -serie games, so I didn't have any exceptations.
First of all, I'm a bit fanatic about the whole chinese/japanese culture thing so I enjoyed the intro and storyline -videos in this game. First touch to the menu-screen gave me the creeps that this is one of those arcade fighting games, I was wrong. You have real missions to do and characters to improve by killing huge amount of small enemies and enemy officers.
The storyline is _not_ like you can really be into it, but I think it's good to have one, it's like you have to have some sort of a goal to achieve (Kill that fiend orochi). It's really enjoyable that almost in every mission there is the last opponent which is better than earlier ones. You got to beat it and be the best 3ver.
You start playing with three chars of each story. Along the passed missions you get more characters to play with. And who can stop untill you get them all (well me 'cause I forgot to backup my savegames when I installed, yet again, fresh copy of Windows)
Either way with Easy and Normal -modes this game is simply killing all the enemies fast and effective to be able to improve your characters. Well in hard or chaos mode, you got to be familiar with all the char moves and your chars got to be max lvl.
I conclude this review to this: There's 2 kind of fighting-game players. Those who play them just for fun and none more, and those who dedicate their time to beat the game overall.
Musō Orochi and the challenge is on!