This was absolutely the big disappointing game - worst of all series. I love watchdogs and when I first played the first one, I was blown away, beautiful open world with tons of items, skills to play. Have played through many times. And then second one, wasn't bad, it was good in fact but not better than first one. So I was excited to hear we have the third one but when I looked at the preview, that you can be anyone, recruit whoever you want to play, and I felt wtf, that can't be good. I did buy and played anyway but I was right. You don't love your player because there is no main player. We had Aiden, we had Marcus they are the core of the game. This Legion one, seems to have many tools but literally no skills to upgrade so after some point, you have nothing to upgrade or seek for better powers or whatsoever. And gadgets? they are all garbages, you only use spider bot and I never swapped any others until finished this game. (Yes I use them all to test them out but you don't need them at all). I hope Ubisoft can come up with better idea for the next Watchdogs game the once I loved.
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