I've played Watch Dogs Four times on every difficulty. I have 100% completion as well as hours of fun just being an arse. My thoughts as a result of this game? I want a sequel.
I think Watch Dogs was amazing. Most down points people point out are "the clunky driving" the "unrealistic civilians" the "dead main character" or the "graphics downplay"
Now, when I first tried my hand at the driving I didn't say it was bad right away, just different. It brought memories of the driving controls of Grand Theft Auto IV. Once you get the hang of driving it is easy, and very fun. Hacking at will whilst driving is definite fun. The civilians, I think, are some of the best open world games have ever had. All these civilians have a back story, are doing different actions, talking to friends on the phone, beat boxing, rap battling, couples fighting, people arguing, people drinking, just civilians being real civilians.
I thought Aiden Pearce was an extremely interesting character. Though his past was revealed through exposition, I still believe Aiden has the potential to become iconic. His past is hinted to be very dark and scarring, and I believe a revisit to Aiden would be just what he needs.
The graphics downplay, I honestly didn't mind, because I was playing on a console and I knew it would never be that good on a console and the graphics still blew me away. People take graphics for granted now a days. I believe the graphics now are brilliant, just think back 10 years, 20 years, how far we've come.
Now hacking is a load of fun and the game revolves around hacking and you can hack so many things, but if they were to make a sequel there could be so many more things to hack. Public news could be fun to hack, airline travels to make a little plane collide with a monstrous one (bit evil but very cool), building defense systems such as turrets, sprinklers for more strategic fighting, gas cookers in kitchens to cause fires in buildings.
Watch Dogs is something that could be what Assassin's Creed was to Assassin's Creed II; just a base. I believe there's so much to build on, and Watch Dogs giving me that thought alone, made me love it.