Watch Dogs is worth all the things you can do in the game but it's not the best open world game out their.

User Rating: 7 | Watch Dogs PS4

Actual Grade 7.5 Watchdogs was probably the biggest game shown at E3 in 2012, it showed some really impressive graphics and also some cool gameplay along with it, most people had a feeling that this game was definitly developed for the next generation of consoles but at the time they weren't even annouced, so we waited and finally when it came out we got a little bit of something different that was shown to us. So if you look back at the first look of Watchdogs at E3 supposively the graphics are quite a bit better then what they look like, I can see a bit of a difference but not that much I think people are just looking for something to get angry about with it, but nonetheless is it actually a good game? let me explain shall I?

Story:So basically the main plot of the game is the protaganist Aiden Pearce and his buddy by the name of Damien Brenks are trying to steal from a bank by hacking into its network however someone hacks into their network and Aiden ends up leaving so they won't catch him he goes to his sisters picks up her and her daughter and son and gets them out of their just in case something goes wrong. Well it turns out that the person that hacked their phone ended up putting a hit on Aiden unfortunately for Aiden the they mistakenly kill Aiden's niece Lena. Aiden's life goes on from this but he is still tied to a life of hacking, and also trying to find answers about Lena. Later on in the story Damien has a job for Aiden and to get Aiden to do it he has captured his sister and threatens to hurt her if he doesn't help him, this is the main plot of the game to get your sister back and get revenge on Damien.

Presentation:The presentation on this game isn't anything special, sure the graphics look fantastic even though they weren't what were shown at E3, but everything else is mediocre, the soundtrack of music they put in the game from actual musicians might be the worst Ive ever seen, Smashing Pumpkins My Love Is Winter? seriously that's the best song you could come up with from them, like seriously Ubisoft how about putting someone who knows a little bit about music in charge and not rip it off of some random persons Ipod, so yeah besides that the actual original soundtrack to this game is not that bad too bad you have to listen to stupid songs though throughout three fourths of the game. The characters in the game aren't very great either don't get me wrong the voice acting is good, but just the characters in general though have no sort of depth to them, Aiden the vigilante? really who's the first person you think of when you think of a vigilante everyone knows this Batman, Batman's cool because their is so much mystery to him and his name in gotham brings fear to the streets, but Aiden hes just some nerd that for one is not much of a hero, he's always getting his sister into trouble and destroying everything in his way to get answers about Lena, which lets be honest was his own fault in the first place, and that's why this vigilante talk just comes out as shallow, the other characters in the game are also just really shallow and dull they really don't have much impact and you will end up forgetting most of them anyways in fact(Spoiler Alert) I couldn't even remember Damien's name for this review I had too look it up and to be honest I completely forgot about Claire also and their ends up being a sad scene in the game where she ends up dying so what does that tell you? the presentation is nothing special.

Gameplay:If their is one thing Watchdogs does right it is it's gameplay, besides the main campaign their our plenty things to do around the city of Chicago that keep this game going long after the campaign and their our some really fun things to do. The main campaign is based around combat and I will give it Ubisoft Montreal the combat is utter brilliance, their are so many ways you can go into a situation the right way if you know what you are doing. If your style is just to go in their and kill everyone you can do that but I wouldn't recommend that because where is the fun in that? but you can also hack into cameras to see into your surroundings but not only that but you can blow stuff up when the enemies are near it, and you can also blow up the enemies if they have explosives on them, you can use your special operations pistol that has a silencer on it and kill enemies with it quickly without being heard, you can use IED's, lures to lure the enemy over to you, you can sneak up on the enemy to take him down, just so many ways to handle the combat in this game, and thanks to Splinter Cells stealth mechanic which is burrowed in this game movement is perfect and precise, making the combat probably the best of this generation so far. You are also rewarded when you take out enemy's in an elite way by getting more xp which in turn gives you skill points that you can use to make certain thing in the game become much easier, which adds even more depth to an already depthless combat system, their is also crafting in this game you can craft lures,IED's,Jammer's, all sorts of things that will help you quite a bit during the game. money in this game isn't that great, because its so easy to obtain and all you use it on is cars and guns, so its really not needed and a bit disappointing. Cars in this game handle pretty well but are a bit unrealistic when they crash into each other, but they are still not terrible. online play in this is fantastic, I do hate that it will just start going when your just normally playing the game, but it still is very original and fun to play trying to find someone and get rid of them. The gameplay is pretty damn fantastic.

(Spoiler Alert) So as you progress through the game Aiden will finally save his sister and tell her and her son to get out of Chicago to keep them safe, after that Aiden goes after Damien, Damien hacks into the CTOS and is putting Aiden's name into it to get him arrested Damien must enter a virus into the system to end this, this is the final mission, the final mission is a nightmare and I don't get why they did it this way. The main mission is hack into the CTOS server and infect it with a virus, however you must do this with cops and helicopters on your tail, this is nearly impossible and not only that but even when you escape the cops the CTOS system will just find you again, this is by far the most annoying mission in the game and it will drive you off the wall, After you are about to hack the system Dedsec(a hacking group that claims its not corrupt) asks to enter the system, but Aiden won't allow them. After this Aiden goes after Damien and Chen(Aidens buisness partner) ends up their he is ordered to kill Aiden by someone, they don't say who it is but its got to be DedSec, Aiden blacks out the lighthouse and throws Chen overboard and shoots Damien, and that's the end Aiden is a hero(even though he's killed a bunch of people and destroyed a ton of stuff) and is now the protector of Chicago, you have a final decision to make to kill the man who killed your niece or move on from it and that will be the end of the game. The story really isn't anything special.

Overall Watchdogs is definitely not a perfect game, but their is a lot of content to play, and not only that but it does have its moments, this game is worth getting when the prize goes down.