The quality of the voice acting varies through out the game. Solid sound track with a wide variety of genres.
Visually, It looks fine for the most part. Would have been nice to see a bit more variety in the environment though. There a few minor bugs and glitches but nothing major.
Game Play:
A bit of a hit and miss at times. Driving is pretty fun, The rest of the game play...not so much. Shooting enemies isn't that satisfying. The melee aspect of the combat is enjoyable though but needs to be expanded upon in the sequel to be anything noteworthy. Hacking stuff is very fun though.
The plot is very weak and almost non-existent. Campaign missions are over as quickly as they started. Side missions can be very interesting though. The variety of things you can do outside the main campaign add a bit of replay value to the game but not much. Multiplayer has potential but, like the Campaign, needs a lot of improvement to be anything worth while. You will suffer from plenty of cheap deaths. Hacking stuff is epic fun and doesn't get old, Even after I put 40 hours into it.
Overall: 7/10
Watchdogs is a satisfying enough game where I had no issue playing it all the way through and beating nearly all the side missions. I'd have no problem buying a sequel should one come out. That being said, I would want a vastly improved campaign before making that commitment.