A movie tie-in that delivers what it says it will, but nothing else.
User Rating: 6 | Watchmen: The End Is Nigh X360
It's "Watchmen" season and just in time for the long-await film, we have "Watchmen: The End is Nigh", a downloadable episodic series that takes place during the events before the main story. Here we have Episode 1, which has 6 chapters. In this episode, which costs 1600 points (or $20), you get to play as Rorschach or Nite Owl in their crusade to find Underboss. The game has the look and feel of Zack Snyder's film and even has Jackie Earl Haley as the voice of Rorschach and Patrick Wilson as Nite Owl. The game looks amazing for a downloaded title. The graphics are beautiful, especially in hi-def. It isn't full next-gen quality but for only 1.35 GBs, it looks better than most original Xbox or PS2 games or even Wii games. Now, the game is advertised as a brawler and yes, that's what it is. Nothing else. You have 6 levels of repetitive button mashing, beat 'em up action. For the first 2 or 3 chapters, it seems like fun. But once you get half into the game, you realize how boring it gets. After awhile, it's not fun just pressing buttons, punching and kicking bad guys, and countering movies. Now, there are two ways to play: as Rorschach, who has a street hardened fighting style, or as Nite Owl, who fights like a trained fighter. Rorschach is fun to play with because he such a bad a** but Nite Owl is fun too once you upgrade his moves. But doing the exact same thing, fighting wave after wave of the same enemies for 6 chapters (roughly 6 hours or so) gets old after while. All in all, "Watchmen" fans, like myself, will find something to like just because this is their chance to be a part of the universe in a game. For $20, it's not bad. But I'm not sure if I want to shell out an extra $20 for each additional episode.