Play the trial first
Loved the movie; hate the game. It's really boring and repetitive. You press two buttons a million times to fight the same bad guys in room after room. Every few levels offers up a new animated 'kill', which is enjoyable the first time, not-so-much after 10 times. The dialogue between the characters is sometimes believable, and other times way off the mark. They made Rorschach a little too much like Rush Limbaugh, and Nite Owl sounds like a nerdy Peter Parker. The gameplay is very reminescent of a PS2 game. You run forward, 4 or 5 badguys jump out, you beat them up, run forward and press a lever to open a door, then more badguys jump out.
That's the entire game. Seriously.
I would pay about 800 points, and that's just because I'm a die-hard Watchmen fan. It's way over-priced for the entertainment value.