This has to be the best beat'em up that I've ever played, still not perfect though.
The game itself is a beat'em up, it's a downloadable game for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. It's graphics are great and the rain afects are amazing but its also a very short but fun game. If your good enough at it with all the power ups you can beat it in under 80 minutes (which there is an achievement for). You can unlock moves to make it a little easier but you have to find various items throughout the game to unlock them. Well Rorschach fights with swift punches and just as an uncontrolable person when you enter Rage mode. Nite Owl fights with more leg than fist and has stun grenades to make the enemies stunned, he can also electrify his suit. Basically, choosing between Nite Owl and Rorchach is like choosing between Knuckles and Sonic. One is quick and graceful while the other is sluggish and powerful.
The cutscenes are drawn like a comic book of which makes the game adhere to the style of the comic perfectly. The game also has co-op so you can play with a friend if you want. If you get off it to go to work or sleep or just to go outside it will save your progress, you still have to start over the chapter you were playing but you can still select it on the main screen.
The game is not perfect and I will tell why.
The only Problems that can get in the way are in the next sentence. When you're tryng to get certain trophies or achievements the computer controlled ally will get lost at some point halfway through the game and will make you have to start all over again. Some times they'll get stuck on two trash cans and won't try to do any different type of motion to get out, which means you might have to start over. When you're Rorschach all Nite Owl does nothing, meaning that he will just sit there as you fight all the bad guys your self. Sometimes he helps.....a little but he rarely does more than watch you fight bad guys (and getting beaten himself) and help open doors. When you play as Nite Owl (here's a good thing) Rorschach helps alot more as an AI controlled character than Nite Owl, but he gets stuck a little bit more on trash that's on the ground.
If you want to play co-op and you're right in the middle of a mission you have to go to the main screen. You don't have to start over the whole game if you don't want to but if they get stuck on somthing and don't get off of it so you can't press on then you have to start the chapter over. There are also some glitches that show up on occasion but they don't show up often enough to be a nuisance. Also when there are too many enemies you have to rely on countering. The framerate is occasionally choppy.