Good game. you get full control of the jet ski which a full advantage on your side. and to top it of on a certain stage you can ride a dolphin throuh the stage i cant recall how though. the stages are rebrcable for back then. when i first got my hands on that game i fell in love with it. The reason maybe be silly but thats why i played it so much . so i could beat my older brother who no matter how hard i tryed i lost to. i think i only beat him once or twice in my entire life of playing this certain game. but i can still play this day it it wont get old. this game is a classic in my opinon this game is one of the best i have ever played.
Other Helpful Reviews for Wave Race 64: Kawasaki Jet Ski (Rumble Pak Version)
Graphics: Wave Race 64 is one of the best looking games to grace the N64. The visuals are spectacular with beautifully animated water and background scenery. A few of the levels change subtly between laps which can cat... Read Full Review
Gameplay: 10/10 Graphics: 10/10 Sound: 10/10 Value: 8/10 Tilt: 9/10 Final Score: 9.6/10 (A) Since I enjoy going to the beach with my friends and the N64, I decided to get this game on Ebay at a good condition and... Read Full Review