With over 60 wrestlers and tight controls, WCW/nWo Revenge stands as one of the best wrestling games of its time.
During the N64 days there was no need for all the extra mechanics in current next-gen consoles. All we needed is great gameplay, some fellow wrestling fans, several N64 controllers and you'll have a lot of fun on your hands, which is what WCW/nWo Revenge delivered and more.
One of the strong points about the game was its vastly huge roster. Ranging from their main-eventers to the mid-carders to the popular Cruiserweight division to various wrestlers from foreign companies such as AAA and New Japan. Additional match types such as battle royal and tag team matches make for a lot of high-impact action and fun with 4-players galore. And rather tight and responsive controls made the game even better back then.
Another feature that was never utilise in the newer wrestler games was the high amount of customisation one can have with the roster. One can change the attire, head (mostly hair) of any wrestler as well as changing the color scheme of them in the process. Its technology like this that may never make it to the Wii, PS3 or 360 consoles quite frankly.
The game however does have its weaknesses. The inability to defend a title that you won from 1P mode and almost no match types to play such as cage matches (which were added to WCW's rival games WrestleMania 2000 and No Mercy).
Most gamers who started with the SmackDown Vs Raw series would easily be negative about this game. Others who want to try something else other than SmackDown would probably enjoy the experience despite the lack of options the N64 gave in comparison to the consoles of today. Quite honestly all of that means jack when you're having loads of fun.