This game is like . . . Chuck Norris played this game then threw it to the sun.
Now the gameplay was very ugly I couldn't throw a punch without getting my ass beaten up I remember having to use two player just to learn how to do a move all moves were crap I'll admit when you finally got to do your finisher it felt great yeah it did . . .then they got straight up and I was trying to just go for the pin after getting my ass kicked through the whole match.
So this game it just wasn't fun the numbers of matches were small and they felt the same the weapons were well they were ok for the time I guess but I can easily say the entrance was stupid its just a video of them I mean even know the animation sucked ass it was still better then them not trying at all.
Good points:Rewarding feelings,A fairly big roster and game sound is ok
Bad points:Bad gameplay,Hard at times,Lazy entrances and hard to pull of moves
Overall don't try looking for this its boring ,cheap and a waste of time I spent way to long trying to get better at this game when I was younger bottom line is don't buy this worthless game.!