Ever wanted a kill-bill prelude story? she sure aint the character we know and love, but damn she must be her sister.
Great soundtrack, Great visuals, great feel to the game. one of the things i love about it is the genuine "enemies have no chance feel". don't get me wrong, the game has its tough moments but boy, leaping off a balcony shooting a mag of pistol ammo into a drug dealers chest in SLO-MO, well, its the stuff of videogame dreams. Another Kill-Bill cliche, in the movie when she spots one of her enemies, the screen flashes read and sirens go off, yeah... welcome to wets infamous rage mode. nothing beats a red and white, 70's fueled shoot'em up extravaganza in the shanty towns of japan. sliding underneath a bus on your knees and shooting two separate henchmen in the face simply knocks all other third person shooters into a blood covered cocked hat. of course running along walls, jumping aloft clifftops is all very well, but the game is not without its faults. for instance, the level at the mine-field, lah-dee-daa, BOOM. you slip of the cliff into a shining red field o'mines due to wets sometimes shockingly tricky to control movement system.
the camera can be a tad shaky but thats all the problems. Final conclusion: the game is great, fun, entertaining, gory, clever, witty, funny, high speed, slo-mo madness.
The game isn't: always easy to control, always giving you the right camera angle. but then we all like a challenge. :)
hope you like the review.
smileychicken out...