It's sad that this game doesn't get as much credit as it deserves. I'm a proper RPG nerd, but if I literally just wanted to splatter some easy blood; 'Wet' was pretty enjoyable. The length of it's story is only worth a rental, all difficulties could be cleared within the 5 days you'd have it for, it'd require some skill, like, but unless you'd just replay it for the entertainment value; probably not a keepsies game. The graphics go pretty well with the type of game it is, they're not awe-inspiring, but they work, and there was never a point they really pissed me off, it just goes to the back of your mind 'cos of the oldly kinda western films, it fits in perfectly, and Rubi is a perfect character for her role. The action of shooting in the slow-mo acrobatic affect is **** awesome. It really is the kind of game 'Tomb Raider' should have been all along. It's got some minor flaws, but overall it's a pretty sick game when it just comes down to fun. Most people might say it's an average game, but for some reason, there's just some charm which makes you want to hold it in high regard, and owning 8 motha****a's in all directions before you even land from your jump is just plain skid-in-the-dirt fun...
Okay, I was quick to review Wet, giving it a bit too much credit, without spending too much time with the game. That is the last time that happens. While the game is fun, the fun only last upon the initial impressions. W... Read Full Review
As the current generation of consoles continues to age and mature, many developers are striving to create experiences that are indistinguishable from Hollywood movies. Video game budgets continue to soar, award winning w... Read Full Review