Well, let's make this short, it sounds good, it looks ok but the beauty of it is all behind the how it's brought to you.
Graphics: They're good, it's more the cinematic aspect of it, well it just look and sounds like a Tarentino movie as I said, it's the little things that grow on you. The screens between deaths, the little movie film when you die, add the cheesy fifties drive-thru commercials and it's really what makes it good instead of very boring... Graphics could be better (nothing's really polished) but I was too happy cheering for the film burning when I died or killing people so well . . . I was busy having a good time...
Sounds: You know, i could talk for hours about the soundtrack, let me just say that it grows on you after the first level, you love it, crave it, or you throw the disc out throught the window hoping to kill something as to accomplish something useful because you're disguted you had to actually move to get rid of that devil noise... Ouch that was a long sentence :D
Gameplay: Very simple and effective.
Difficulty: On higher levels it's a bit more challenging still very fun.
Story: Well it's kinda weak... Won't lie to you there, I'm not that biaised...
Overall : Like for most movies in this genre, I like for the wrong reasons, I like it for the details not for the actual core of the game.
Love is in the details so this game is a great rental or a collector's piece...
Enjoy this modern western with the rockabilly music and have some fun!