A fun game for many players however some may not like it's style.
You play the role of the god of destruction and you have been summoned by the overlord to create the ultimate evil army of monsters,critters e.t.c to takeover the world.The problem is the king has sent many of his bravest warriors to capture the overlord and defeat your army, now don't worry you only fight them a few at a time. You wil lose the game when your overlord is caught, but it's not over yet! You can still create more monsters and send your survivors to kill the hero(s) before they leave your dungeon and save your army. There are many monsters to create and to evolve to make them stronger in order to beat the game easier, from living slime to lizard men and dragons, you can even make skeleton warriors!
Overall the game is great, the graphics are good and it's a good time passer. However there is just something that some players may not enjoy, maybe some people don't like the whole "evil" concept or maybe they just think it's too hard or too easy. I don't know, I'm not a miracle worker just a person writing a review. There really is no easy or hard to this game it's just how you make and design your dungeon, and remember a good dungeon is the key to success!