Beware of killer animals on the loose!!!
The plot of the story takes place at a massive company called Genron where they create stuff to better human life but little does anyone know what really happens on the inside where in fact the company does terrible experiments on poor little animals just to test their things and in the process make the creatures suffer but that is soon going to chance because one day two furry critters named Sparx ( a weasel who had too many electrio-shock tests ) and Redmond ( a rabbit that has armor like fur as a result of hairspray tests ) who are both chained together decide to escape to freedom but in order to make their goal come true they must work together to put a stop to Genron's evil schemes by teaming up with fellow animal allies and in the process make their way to the very core of all that is evil within the company by taking down the head boss.
You maybe thinking that this is great that you can play as two different characters each with their own special skills and stuff but I sad to say that you are wrong on this one because you only get to control Spanx throughout the game while Redmond drags right behind you by the chain but there is a good thing that your little rabbit friend can do that can really help you which throughout the areas you will see large tube like objects that if you push him into them it will give him certain power-up from either a flaming furball , a static bunny ball and even a toxic ball of radioactive goo to use for your own twisted ways for destroying objects or better yet even beat up people who work for the company.
Judging on how you play the game there are a few things that you can do to keep your little paws busy for example hust like yourself there are other creatures from the tiny hampster to the giant gorilla that wish to escape also so you can do them a favor by busting them loose while also keeping a close eye out for items to help you on your quest like Hypershacks which can increase your health and strength points.
There is a important message that I should point out before I finish this review off which it that this game is not meant for little kids even if the animal based characters look cute or funny but there are alot of jokes and stuff within this game alone that only people of a certain age meaning teenagers or adults could get while little ones wouldn't understand too way.