Fun for all ages!

User Rating: 8 | Whiplash PS2
These two animals are probably the best platform duo ive seen in my life, youve got a weasel who doesnt talk who looks like hes got skitsafrania and a odd looking bunny which comes out with some pretty funny things.

This is probably the only game where the graphics are better in the game then in the cutscenes, and the graphics in my opinion are very good.

The sound is great and the voice over are even better, the voices really match the people/animals...basically its well pulled off.

I dont play many platform games and i only got this cos i saw it on ebay for £2 (about $4), and im really glad i got it. I got 3 other games the same day and i only played one of the others because i was on this the majority of the time.

If your into the more challenging games, this probably isnt the game for you, i am on the 7th level at the moment and havnt died yet or even come close to dying, its jut an easy going game thats kind of relaxing to play.

The game is strangly addiciting, theres points in the game where you find yourself saying to yourself your going to turn the game off but then start saying to yourself,, no ill wait till ive done this, and this goes on and on.

I can only think of 3 down sides to the whole game.
1/ Although your in different parts of the building, the enviroment is always the same sort of this (laboratory style), this isnt bad because the lab details look good, but it would be nice somewhere else, like a park or something.
2/ Theres kind of a lack of attacks, im not saying theres only a few, but there isnt alot, its basically horizontal and vertical attacks but can add buttons to do sweeps , and others, but there isnt alot of these.
3/ Although very funny, the rabbits and enemies do start to repeat their sayings after a while and do begin to lose their humour, it takes around an hour of gameplay before you really start to notice that the characters are repeating themselves, but it isnt that annoying.

What im getting down to is this is a nice platform game that has nice little features in it, such as throwing the rabbit into various machines such as helium so he can airlift you to places, or setting him on fire so you have a fireball at the end of your chain.

This game isnt worth the full price, but if you can get it for less than £8 ($16) you've picked up a bargain.