Fitness and video games. Together at last.
The game included a collection of mini-games for a variety of categories like "balance" and "aerobics" to help you get in shape and even helped keep track of your current weight and fitness age. The experience was flawed (you can cheese your way through most of the motion-based games), but surprisingly effective, and it became an instant success for the Wii. A year later Nintendo created a more enhanced version called "Wii Fit Plus" which featured more mini-games and featured the ability to create routines. This is the recommended version of "Wii Fit" because of the inclusion of new exercises and plus a few of the problems found in the first game were fixed up.
-Great way to get in shape
-Fun mini-games
-Graphically clean and simple
-Balance board is responsive
-You can now create routines
-You can still cheat at some of the games
-User routines are limited, as well as multiplayer
Regardless of which version you choose, "Wii Fit" is certain to help you get in shape and gain better balance. They are both flawed, but equally effective experiences.