Wii Fit, a perfect add on to lose a few extra pounds and a good way to track yourself.

User Rating: 9.5 | Wii Fit WII

Wii Fit Is an exceptional game, in general alot of the mini games could be a game of its own in fact., now lets get right down to it. Wii fit is a exsercise tool said to help you improve posture, lose weight, and basically encourages you to get healthy. Now ive been hearing alot about this game and that itcannot be a sole exersice tool to depend on, that is true for the most part!
Mix Wii Fit with an exceptional diet and you could lose quite a bit of of your waist belive or not. with my 12 days of having this game i have lost about 2/3lbs soley on this game.


Wii fits gameplay offers Yoga, Strength Training, Areobics, and Balance games to help you improve your bodys health. The Yoga and Strength exersices represent most of the actually said work out part and are less fun but are much harder and work your body a whole lot. The Balence games represent the very fun side of the game and is said to improve your posture and balance.
Areobics represent a little bit of both, they a great for burning fat and working your body and most of them are very fun. The Body test tests your balence measures your left/right balence and weighs you to indicate if your underweight, normal, overweight, or obese. known as BMI (Body Mass Index) though many flaws with this BMI system it can still help you tell if you are overweight or under weight

Overall This game is pretty exceptional at helping you lose weight on its own especally if you are Obese. Mix Wii Fit in with a better diet some runnig or jogging and you should lose alot of pounds and have Wii Fit support the fun whilst doing so.

Note- I am tracking my Wii fit progess over the summer if you are interested just go to my profile. Also I will have much more in depth reviews in the future