If you like trying to stay fit then this game is good for you. If you are buying it just for the little games then it is a waste of your money. Its not a great way to lose weight or gain muscle but it is a good way to keep track of your wieght and relize how poor your balance actually is. I think it is fun to compare weight changes with other members of my family and have contests to see who can lose the most or stay about the same the longest. So overall it is a good game, expecailly if you have family members so that you can try to beat thier score, if you don't you wil probably play it once and get bored with it quickly. If you are thinking about buying this game think about a few things first. The price, if you want the balance board, if you have family members that want to play, if you can fit in about 5 minutes every day to track your weight and balance, and if you actually want to lose weight or gain muscle. My advice is to try it out at a friends house and if you like it then buy it, i wouldn't be suprised if you bought it then regreated it the next day. But i enjoy it and i try to find time everyday to fit in a few minutes to exersize and track my weight.
So what's £70 buy you these days? A Wii Fit that's what - well actually a Wii Board and the game Wii Fit. First up what's in the box - 1 board, check - 4 batteries, check - 1 manual, check - 1 game, check. The boar... Read Full Review
Gamespot has something against Nintendo. Seriously, that's the facts. Before looking at reviews here, please pause for a moment. Family friendly, helpful more than amazing games are what Nintendo is doing right now. ... Read Full Review