This game is destroying my old nintendo

User Rating: 4 | Wii Fit WII
This game is not for hardcore fit people serousily I am fit so that doesn't mean anything where is the fun excersing infront of a screen this game is not for me ok nintendo. i'm just posting this review to rebel bring back the hardcore PITTT, PIKMIN, FZERO X and star fox serousily i need a better game than this my parents made me play this game im only 58kg I don't need to lose weight if you want excerise simple go outside and jog goooo for walks. People who eats takeway food everyday buy this game expecting to be fit but they need to do more eat healty go for runs weights and go to the gym it's just that simple you don't need a video game ti make you more fit you need a good lifestyle. Oh well I gave it a 4.0 out of 10 -3 for what i said so overall it's 7.0 the game the games are quite fun not for me though I don't need to play this game i neeed a star fox game or a fzero x or ill kill myself no more self help games thankyou