Whole new gaming experience, however not quite the game it promises to be.

User Rating: 7.5 | Wii Fit WII
The Wii concept is a revolution and a new wind in the gaming landscape and Wii Fit is certainly fitting in this range. The biggest merit this game has, is that it is bringing non-gamers to the console, which is something where PS or Xbox never were succesfull in. Also in my case, the most fervent Wii user is my wife, who never touched games before.

This is certainly the biggest merit and the game itself has it's original items, like the ball-balancing game or the one where you have to give a good header to all kind of footballs, flying to you in higher speeds.

Biggest negative point is the playing time. The 4 different aspects of the game (aerobics, muscle training, yoga and balancing) have all their different exercises, but in the end, you get trought it quite quickly. Of course, by playing more, you will unlock new features, a bit new compared to the previous ones, but not that breathtaking after all. And, as known by everybody, the graphics on the Wii are not really up to date.
I do prefer sporting outdoors, get my oxygene while MTB'ing or running, but on a rainy day, the Wii can do the trick.

Original, but more for the non-gamer than for the casual old-school gamers like myself.