Stay Fit or not!

User Rating: 2.5 | Wii Fit WII
The wii fit is really all it is cracked up to be.
It is not really good for getting fit or staying healthy.
It is pretty fun for awhile but that is it, it gets boring very fast, The mii people get very annoying during the game they are highly over used.

I do not recommend you using your money to buy this.
It is very much talked about as good fun and great for exercise but let me tell you again it is not in any way and you should not waste a lot of money on this.
I wouldnt spend more than 10$ for it
My mom bought it thinking it would help her but it did not in anyway.
This game requires just as much exercise as changing the channels on a t.v.
I mean i like wii but i just don't know why they would make this game

Well yes it did sell a lot and made a lot of money. But in the end of it i know people probally really will regret buying it. I see schools have bought it and i think P.E. teachers realize it is no way to exercise.
Im sorry i bashed a game that has made wii popular but i just didnt like this game!