Don't even bother. Get a standalone Wii remote and put the ten bucks saved toward a more competent minigame collection.

User Rating: 4.5 | Hajimete no Wii (w/Remote) WII
It's too simple and uninteresting for seasoned gamers and adult gaming newcomers, too difficult for young 'uns, and handily outpaced by other minigame collections. Wii Play fails in every meaningful way.

There are two ways to view this: optimists will have a “why not” attitude, and compare its purchase to buying a Wii remote while scoring a handful of cheap minigames along the way. Pessimists will recognize it as overpriced software bundled with a Wii remote, and think “why bother”. Half full, or half empty? It doesn’t really matter. It’s just a half a glass of plain, flavorless water either way.