Review: Wii Play
Mini game based games are plentiful on Nintendo's fun little system. Will Wii Play stand out amongst such high competition or will it fall flat? Well on the bright side it does come with a free controller.
No story to be found here just straight up mini game goodness.
Graphically the game looks like the Mii channel, not even the quality of graphics seen in Wii Sports. I have seen better graphics in Dreamcast games than the graphics featured in Wii play, then again I have to say that I really didn't expect much when I went in so I wasn't really let down especially since you use your Mii's in the game
Music & Sound:
Um in how many words can I state that the music sucks with out being insulting, or at least overly so, I cant so all I have to say this that the music and the sounds are pitiful. I really hate to break it to Nintendo but I got better music and sounds out of almost all of the N64 games I have ever played than I have out of Wii Play
Control & Game play:
What is up for offering in Wii Play actually plays pretty good. The shooting gallery handles like a champ and the table tennis and paddle hockey play exceptionally well (though I have problems with the physics engine in paddle hockey, and the fact that the 2 games were way too similar for their own good). Too bad that can not be said for the shape matching game, the cow racing game and the rest. Most of what is offered seem so short and no where near as fun or addictive as Wii Sports
Design & Fun Factor:
What design? There is only 7 mini games and only one of them are satisfying at all there is even less to offer in this game than there was in Wii Sports, depth wise, with the exception of the shooting gallery which felt incomplete and too limited in depth, over all, and by in large the entire experience felt unpolished and incomplete. This ultimately led to boredom setting in far too soon. That said there is some fun to be had with friends but even that is limited by the game's lack of polish.
Were it not for the fact that it comes with a Wii Mote I would consider this purchase a total wash especially since the only really good game is the shooting gallery. This game is rent only material and buy only if you need another Wii Mote
Game play
Fun factor
Average score
Wii Play:
Couples of the games are really awesome
Comes with a Wii Mote
Seemed rushed and unfinished
Looks generic
At least 2 of the 7 games use the same gimmick
Gets old Real Quick..... Like in an hour