Buy this game if you want to be bored to death.
Wii play, which often comes with a wii controller, is a game with nine minigames that are designed to help you get used to the functions of the wii remote. The mini games include Shooting, find mii, table tennis, pose mii, lazer hockey, billiards, fishing, charge and tanks. Of which oly find mii and tanks provided any entertainment. And even them won't keep you satisfied for long.
Shooting involves shooting a large number if objects in five different stages including Tin cans and frisbies.
In find mii you are told to find something ( e.g. find two look alikes) in a crowd of people.
In table tennis, which is by far and away the worst game, you simply have to rally with the computer.
Pose mii involves twisting the wii remote to get a human shaped character into differet shapes.
Lazer hocker involves trying to get a ball into a goal.
Billiards and fishing do exactly what they say on the tin.
Charge involves knocking down scarecrows to get points while trying to get to the finishing line on time.
Tanks involves simply shooting other tanks which get progresively harder with each new level you get to.
In summary I simply have to say DON'T GET THIS GAME.