Decent, but too short
Shooting Range-
This is a descent and fun game. You use your remote, to shoot targets, U.F.O.s, etc. It is a short and fun game, and it is fun with 2 player.
Find Mii-
In this game, you will find a parade of Miis just walking around, swimming, etc, and you have to find some specific Mii. Such as, Find two similar miis, or find the odd one out. It is an OK game, not one of my favorites though.
Table tennis-
This game is sort of odd, because you just move the the wii remote around to hit the ball, and the position you hold the wii remote, is similar to shooting range, where you just hold it as if it were a remote.
Pose Mii-
In this game, your Mii will be flying around in some area, and you will find bubbles that require you to go in them. So depending on how the bubble position looks like, you will have to change your Mii's position using the A and B button. This game is kind of boring, and gets really tiring.
Laser Hockey-
In this game, It is basically like a traditional game of air hockey. It has cool graphics, and it's just fun to play.
The title kind of says it all, so you use your stick to get the designated ball into one of the holes. It has very realistic physics, and the game is OK.
The game looks very different, and you just cast your "fishing rod" into a pond, and when you get a nibble, you pull it out. This game is kind of boring and short.
In this game, your riding a cow, and you tilt your wii remote the way you want to go. This game is really fun, in my opinion.
This is my favorite game out of them all. You are controlling a little toy tank, and you go around the map trying to wipe out the others. This game is really fun and the graphics are very interesting.
In conclusion, if you need a wii remote, and you just want a little short game, Wii play is for you.