Well, If you need a wii-mote.....l.

User Rating: 4 | Hajimete no Wii (w/Remote) WII
This is really just a pack in title. I think nintendo realized that the shortage of Wii-motes could be used to their advantage. Being that controllers are already a mark-up item,they figured they could make a crappy collection of Minigames for little to no cost, pack it with a Wii-mote, and the result is Wii-play!

You get to experience 9 REALLY BAD mini games. You get to play a bad remake of Duck hunt, a Billiards game that's actually okay , a 2D fishing game, a cow racing game, A sub par combat remake, and various other crap.

And even though the Billiards and Kombat are good, you are forced to play and beat the other 7 minigames.
The graphics are Terrible. I know they are supposed to be similar to Wario Ware, but in wario ware the games are 10 seconds long.These are 5 to 10 minutes. To beat the whole thing, it takes maybe an hour.

The sound is crap. Their is no music, basic sound effects that sound like an elevator changing floors, with it's endless blips, pings, and beeps.

If you really need a Wii-mote, buy this, and throw out the game, because it's a waste of time to even try it.