Great mini-games with little to no lasting appeal.

User Rating: 6.5 | Hajimete no Wii (w/Remote) WII
As far as the game by itself, Wii Play isn't something to die over. It's a nice collection of mini-games that are great the first time through. However, only two or three of them have any lasting appeal at all. Tanks is by far the best, although after losing on the same level over and over, you start to get bored. Billiards is also a great game and can be played numerous times before losing its magic. Shooting range, cow racing, and fishing are also great games but do not force you to come back and play again. Some games such as air hockey and Find the Miis are interesting but are boring the second or third time you play them. After those, you start to get to the frustrating table tennis and the strange Body Poses game. The multiplayer is good with a friend who hasn't played before, but is not all that better than playing by yourself. The best part of it is probably the "free" remote. "Free" because you're buying a game worth $10 for $50 and you get a $40 accessory for free. All in all, wii play is a fun collection of mini-games, yet its $10 value is greatly reflected in its lack of replayability.