A successful technical demo, but a sometimes-unsatisfying gameplay endeavor.
If you've already got four Wii remotes, well, you can probably do without Wii Play. It's not going to make or break anybody's gaming library. But if you're looking to get a new remote, go ahead and spend the extra $10. It's the price of a movie ticket and you'll get about the same amount of entertainment with the end product – much more if you invite a friend over to play through Tanks!
Presenation:Great Mii integration and stylized menus, but the execution of the minis themselves could have been much better 7/10
Graphics: Wii Sports-esque. Overly simple, but very clean. Everything runs in 16:9 and pro-scan, though. 5/10
Sound: Some really catchy music and fitting sound effects. 8.5/10
Gameplay: As a $50 game, minus three points. But for $10, there are a handful of enjoyable -- if shallow -- minis included in the package 7/10
Lasting Appeal: Yeah, it's cheap, but Wii Play makes Wii Sports look like an epic Zelda adventure 4.5/10
Overall: 6.5/10
My Verdict: Screw It :)