I got it for the Wii-mote.
The mini games: aren't so great at all, you got shooting gallery, pick-the-mii, table tennis, pool, cow riding, air hockey, fishing, posing, and Tanks.
Shooting Gallery: What is says. shoot the right targets gain points, so the wrong targets, lose points. You'll play it once or twice, then get bored with it.
Pick-the-mii: you have to pick your mii in the time amount given. it will start out everyone stand still, easy. Soon it will turn into moving screens and such, and with the amount of time you have, this is possibly the only hard game here.
Table tennis: the opponent will hit the ball, you have to moving the paddle there before it passes. Only thing that's actually interesting here is watching the Miis line up every couple points.
Pool: I can't even remember playing this one, the only reason to actually even do is because you have to beat the mini games in order to get to the next one.
Cow riding: I know what your thinking, "What the heck!?!?". you pretty much just run down a path , hitting scarecrows for points, trying to beat it in the least amount of time possible.
Air hockey: Also no reason to play except to advance. It's just air Hockey like you'd play in an Arcade...
Fishing: Cast out your line, wait for a bite, and pull. The small fish deduct points, while bigger fish give more. Timed.
Posing: Press the right button as the bubble come to you....honestly I never even played this more than once
Tanks: The only good game here. You (and possibly a friend) are destroying the enemy tanks. Set landmines, blow up cover. Be careful, you only have 3 lives
Overall, not worth it unless , like I said, with a Wii-mote