Wii scores big with Wii Sports.
My most favorite is a tie between Tennis and Baseball, this game is so much fun, and so easy to play that someone could pick it up and just play it, also even if you don't know how to pplay one sport it walks you though it.
This is just my opinon, but boxing to me is the hardest to play, because you need alot of room and this and Baesball and Tennis are the only ones where you are going up against someone else.
Another part of Wii Sports is the skill training where you do these skills for each sport, like in Bowling you are actully knocking down more and more pins as you get into the round, I think the highest number of pins is like 94 pins, oh and if you knock down all the pins you get that many pins X2, another skill training is in Baesball where the object is to hit as many homeruns as possibile.
All in all this is a really good pick up and play kind of game, I think Nintendo knew what they where doing when they made the Wii, and I think what Nintendo has do is so great, just to make such a good system with such a good game is so amazing.