A satisfying game to say it comes included with the console. But could of been better.

User Rating: 7.5 | Wii Sports WII
Games such as Wii Sports and Wii Play can be quite enjoyable at first, but after a while the novelty will probably wear off.

The game consists of 5 sports; tennis, baseball, bowling, golf and boxing. The required movements of the Wii remote for the sports are quite realistic. However, you don't really get those realistic reactions. An additional feature to the game is called training, which includes 3 training exercises for each sport. For example; practising your spin control for bowling or returning balls for tennis. But these exercises do get uninteresting after a few hours of play. This game is great fun for a few players rather than one as the competition is higher and, this game (and console) introduces gaming to the non-gamers as it is a fun, easy game to get the hang of. In my opinion this game could of improved by included extra sports and more additional features.

This game should come included with your Wii, but if for some reason it doesn't, I only recommend to buy this game if you have friends/family who come round and are able to play.